石田 義明(いしだ よしあき)
株式会社FBA 代表取締役
- 『飲食店開業のための基礎知識』
- 『繁盛店はこうして創れ(店づくり編)』
- 『繁盛店はこうして創れ(入る店・ヒットメニューの法則編)』
- 『店長教育・従業員教育』
- 『こだわり接客サービスセミナー』(DUNHILLプレゼンツ)
- 『人を創り、繁盛店を創る!』
- 『勝ち組飲食店繁盛の法則』
- 『無敵の接客50のポイント』(ぐるなび通信に掲載)
- 『まだ打つ手はある!飲食店夜営業の成功手法』
- 『外食時流と成功企業のワザあり秘術』
- 『今すぐ売上アップ接客セミナー』等
- 日経レストラン経営診断コーナー『新・悩み解決クリニック』担当
- 商工会議所セミナー講師
- ガーソン・レーマン・グループ 公認コンサルタント
- ズームイン朝(日本テレビ)出演
- 貧乏脱出大作戦企画(テレビ東京)出演
- スーパーTV情報最前線(日本テレビ)出演
- 外食用語辞典・はじめての自宅レストラン監修
Food business consultant
Yoshiaki Ishida .FBA,
Representative director
Management consultant history 30 years.
Management support is offered on a scale of the Japan whole country on the theme of the
production of a matchless restaurant. It is carried out in Japan nationwide management support
the theme of restaurant development invincible.
The theoretical system of the “restaurant management and customer guidance”,
the tactic guidance specific to appeal to the psychology of the customer.
There are well-established. To large store from a small store of 3-5 square meters, guidance
number of shops directly more than 1,500 shops, and it has produced a large number of many
super-prosperity stores, multi-store deployment companies, etc., out of an adviser store. Many
adviser stores which receive ten years or more of instruction are the proof of it reliance.
Beside the instruction (Shops and Chain store), provides seminar sponsored by publisher,
restaurant ?related company, and restaurant employees. Also actively writing to the media. As a
track record, deals also with producing of large-scale commercial establishment such as
Commercial facility Universal City Walk in Osaka which is adjacent to the USJ”Fushinraishin”,
the TOKYO DOME Lacour eating-and-drinking institution, and the Oarai resort outlet
eating-and-drinking institution.
It appears also on the Nikkei BP manufacture video “law of hit menu” upper, and a bottom volume.
Proposed to each enterprise customer satisfaction through service “service art invincible,”
“service of healing” and “Great customer service up a notch” in recent years, , the performance
is greater in recent year.
The main customer service seminar content
- "Good customer service seminar" (DUNHILL Presents)
- Point of service 50 invincible "(published in Gourmet Navigator communication)
- “Sales up service seminar right now” etc.
Writing, seminar lecturing, media appearances, etc.
- Nikkei restaurant management diagnosis corner “New・ Brain unresolved clinic" in charge
- Chamber of Commerce seminar lecturer
- Gerson Lehrman Group Certified Consultant
- Zoom in morning (NTV) Starring
- Escape poverty Battle of planning (TV Tokyo) appearase
- Super TV information forefront (NTV) Starring
- Home restaurants supervision for the first time eating out Glossary
- Eating out Glossary
- Home restaurants supervision for the first time